Technology News

Latest Tech News
- A list of a number of recently discovered vulnerabilities
- A new bug in bootloaders GRUB2
- Black NET malware through the fake Corona virus prevention and prevention tool
- 13 Security Advice Tips to stay safe when doing your work from home
- Corona Virus and Electronic Phishing
- Use COVID-19 in electronic hacking to steal personal information via its apps
- ACbackdoor malware
- (The participation of the National Agency for Network Services in World Safe Internet Day (Together for a Safe Internet
- Smart TV .. Luxury vs. Privacy
- ?How do you make sure that your account is not on the leaks list
- Protecting children from the dangers of the Internet is a family and community responsibility
- A sudo vulnerability that allows Linux users to execute commands with root privileges
- The organization has implications of DNS encryption on local and Internet policy
- Security warning for a new vulnerability in Windows operating systems
- Research study about malicious program "TrickBot Trojan
- New Malware: SamSam Ransomware
- Threats to enterprise resource planning systems
- The VPNFilter Malware
- Research study on the malignant program The Slingshot APT
- Google is updating its services and youtube
- The slow pace of your smartphone is a forerunner of a virus or a breakthrough